Friday, September 28, 2012

Homework #3 Part One

Chapter 5/8: Balance/ shape and Volume:
  • Describe the difference between balance and imbalanced work?
Balance in a work is equal distribution of visual weight. Imbalance in a work is unequal distribution of visual weight. Balance is usually a goal for most artistic compositions but some artist create imbalance intentionally. An imbalanced composition can cause uneasiness in the viewer.
  • What is horizontal and vertical placement?
Horizontal placement is created when an image is balanced by the element on the right and left side.
Vertical placement is created when an image is balanced by the elements on the top and bottom.

  • What is symmetrical balance, and give an art historical example?
Symmetrical balance is when elements of a design are repeated down a vertical axis.
An art historical example of symmetrical balance is Leonardo DaVinci's Vitruvian Man.

  • How can asymmetrical balance be achieved with value/color/ shape and texture?
Symmetrical Balance can be achieve within a design value, color, shape and texture by including objects that are not similar but equally visually interesting.
  • What is radial balance?
Radial Balance is a type of balance where all elements radiate from a central or circle from on point.
  • Give a good example of a piece of artwork?
An example of artwork that had radial balance is a mandala because it has a design where all elements circle out of the center of the design.
  • What is a shape and how does it differ from volume and mass?
Shape is a visually perceived area created by line, color or value. Shape differs from volume and form because it is a 2 dimensional; form and does not have volume or mass
  • What is the difference between naturalism and distortion in art and design?
Naturalism is a use portions of shapes to create a realistic image. Distortion is the exaggerated of shapes to create an expressive effect.

Define abstraction: How is your fire and water panel abstract? What concepts are informing your work on this project?
Abstraction is simplifying shapes to a basic form not including details.

My fire and water panel is abstract because is visually simplifying and stylizing fire and water to make is non-objective forms and designs.
The concepts inform my work on this projects are the natural state of water and fire and a battle between humans and nature.

Chapter 8: Shape and volume:
Define these terms in art:
  • Non-objective
Non-objective is shapes forms or lines that do not depict subject matter.
  • Curvilinear
Curvilinear is any form create with curves.
  • Rectilinear
Rectilinear is a form created with straight lines and angles
  • Positive and negative shapes
Positive and negative shapes are solely based on placement and format. Positive shapes are in the foreground and negative shapes in the background.  Figure is positive space and ground is negative space.

Chapter 10:
  • List three ways to depict illusion of depth
Size is used to depict the illusion of depth because object get smaller as they become further away.
Overlapping is used to depict illusion of depth because a shpe hide part of another shape showing it is closer.
Atmospheric perspective is an illusion of depth that use the color of value depict depth because color, value and form become obscures as they rece
  • What is one point perspective?
One point perspective is perspective created with one point placed on a horizon line all objects recede into the one point on the horizon.
  • Two point perspective?
Two point perspective e is perspective created with two points placed on a horizon line all objects recede into the two points the horizons.                                                                      
  • What is an isometric projection/?
Isometric is showing depth without foreshortening or converging lines but shows dimensions of a shape.
  • What is equivocal space? Find an example
Equivocal space is the cover by objects overlapping.
An example of equivocal space is the space where a bowl cover the view of the fruit in a drawing of a bowl of fruit.

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